Apreciado don Arístides,
En los años cincuenta apareció una modalidad postal en Venezuela sumamente urbana, que celebraba a través del correo aéreo -a la sazón "Correos de Venezuela"- la ciudad. Los fotógrafos escogieron un bello nombre para identificarse a sí mismos: "Foto Natura" (siendo, como usted bien sabe, don Arístides, la ciudad esa otra naturaleza artificial creada por el hombre).
Foto Natura, Grabados Nacionales C.A., 1956.
Foto Natura. Grabados Nacionales C.A., 1954.
Foto Natura. Grabados Nacionales C.A., 1954.
Pero era ésta al parecer una modalidad postal muy difundida en la época, y aquí le envío también un ejemplar de sobre sellado en Caracas con destino a Chicago, que muestra unas bellas imágenes de Vilnius, la capital de Lituania.
señora Gómez
Listen to La Colonna Musicale
-Elvis Presley. Love letters (1950s)
But this was apparently a postal form widespread at the time, and here I also enclose for you a copy of an envelope sealed in Caracas with destination to Chicago, depicting several beautiful images of Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania.
Cordially yours,
-Elvis Presley. Love letters (1950s)
Dear don Arístides:
In the 1950s appeared in Venezuela postal a highly urban postal form, that celebrated via air mail -at the time "Correos de Venezuela"- the city, The photographers choose a remarkable name to identify themselves: "Foto Natura" (being he city, as you well know, don Arístides, that other artificial nature created by man).
In the 1950s appeared in Venezuela postal a highly urban postal form, that celebrated via air mail -at the time "Correos de Venezuela"- the city, The photographers choose a remarkable name to identify themselves: "Foto Natura" (being he city, as you well know, don Arístides, that other artificial nature created by man).
But this was apparently a postal form widespread at the time, and here I also enclose for you a copy of an envelope sealed in Caracas with destination to Chicago, depicting several beautiful images of Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania.
Cordially yours,
señora Gómez
*Cartas de Caracas